Cookie Policy

Cookies are small text files that websites send to the user’s terminal (computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.) and are stored before being re-transmitted to the same sites at the next visit to the same user. Cookies are used for different purposes: execution of authentication information, monitoring sessions, storing information about specific configurations about users accessing the server, sending targeted advertisements to the interests expressed by the user during navigation, etc .. Visiting a site, the user can receive and store in its terminal even cookies that are sent to different sites or web server (so-called “third parties”).

Based on the law on personal data protection cookies can then be divided into “technical”, for the use of which is not asked to consent, and “profiling” ?? for promotional purposes, for which it is not necessary to collect the user’s consent. Even for the use of cookies to “third party” it is necessary to inform the user and collecting their consent.
In detail:

Cookie technical
This type of cookie is further subdivided into:

Cookie navigation / session. It is fundamental cookie to navigate the site using all of its features, such as the maintenance of the session and the access to restricted areas. They are strictly necessary, because without them it would not be possible to provide the services requested. These cookies do not collect information to be used for commercial purposes.

Cookie-type analytics. Collect and analyze information about the site by visitors (page views, number of visits, time spent on the website, etc.) To optimize the management of the site. These cookies do not collect information that can identify the user in any way.

Cookie functionality. Allow the user browsing function of a set of selected criteria (such as language) in order to provide the user a better browsing experience. The information gathered from this type of cookies are anonymous.

The website works best if cookies are enabled technicians; you can still decide not to allow the use of cookies on your computer by changing the settings on your browser. It should be noted, however, that if you disable cookies, some features may be disabled site.

Cookie profiling
Through cookies you may collect information about you to be used in order to send advertising messages in line with the preferences shown by the same part of browsing the net (profile). Because of the impact on the private sphere of the use of such techniques for purposes of profiling, we need to collect the user’s consent (art. 122 of D.Lgs196 / 2003). In the event that cookies are used for such purposes, the site will propose a specific summary report (banner) that also contains an indication of the ways in which you can express consent to the use of cookies profiling, according to the provisions contained the measure of the Data Protection Commissioner “Finding ways simplified information and acquisition of consent for the use of cookies – May 8, 2014” ??. The profiling data are stored for twelve months.

Third Party Cookies
Browsing the site can be installed cookies from other sites, accedibili from the site but managed by other parties (third-party). In this case the owner of the site only acts as technical intermediary between the user and these sites.

The settings of the browser used by the user to navigate both allow the cancellation is the ability to avoid the installation of cookies on your electronic device used.

Microsoft Internet Explorer
1. Click on “Tools” at the top of the browser window and select “Internet Options” and then click on the “Privacy” tab;
2. To activate cookies, the privacy level must be set to “Medium” or below;
3. Setting the level of privacy on the “Medium” will disable the use of cookies.

Mozilla Firefox
1. Click on “Tools” at the top of the browser window and select “Options”;
2. Select the “Privacy” icon;
3. Click on “Cookies”, then select whether or not to “Accept cookies from sites” and “Accept third party cookies”;

Google Chrome
1. Click the menu icon Chrome
2. Select Settings.
3. At the bottom of the page, click Show Advanced Settings.
4. In the “Privacy” section, click Content settings.
5. Enable or disable cookies:
– To enable cookies, select “Allow saving data locally” (recommended).
– To disable cookies, select “Block sites from setting any data.”
6. Click Finish to save.

1. Click on the “Cog” at the top of the browser window and select “Preferences”;
2. Click on “Security” and select whether or not the option “Block third-party cookies for advertising”;
3. Click on “Save”.

To learn more about cookies and how to manage or disable those third parties or marketing / retargeting, you can visit sites such specific example.

The cookies used on this site are cookie “technical” information needed to perform authentication, tracking sessions, and snapshots that information (without the use of cookies some technical display operations would be very difficult or impossible to execute).
In particular, it informs the user that this site uses the following cookies:
– Technical or navigation session cookies that allow the user a correct navigation.
– Cookies analytics used to statistically analyze site visits. They exclusively for statistical purposes and collect information in aggregate form.
For these types of cookies, as specified in the document no. 2152939 of the Privacy, do not require the prior informed consent of the user (opt-in) on condition that offers users easy ways to oppose (opt-out).

Under Article 13 of the Privacy Code, we inform you that the company owner of the website indicated at the bottom of that site is the data controller (the “Owner”) of data. The processing of personal data will be carried out in compliance with the requirements of confidentiality and the most appropriate security measures, as indicated by the Privacy.
As the person concerned of the processing, the guaranteed exercise of rights under Art. 7, Leg. 196/03, including the right to obtain from the data controller confirmation of the existence of your personal data and their communication in intelligible form, to know the methods and the logic of the treatment, to request updating and integration of data, their cancellation or transformation into an anonymous form, in case of violation of the law, as well as, to object to their treatment. These rights may be exercised by contacting in any time in writing to the data processor at its headquarters indicated in the website itself.